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One Word Substitution Part-1

1.)One who believes in God- Theist

2.)One who doesn't believe in God- Atheist

3.)One who Doubts the existence of God- Agnostic

4.)A building where animals are killed for meet-Abattoir/slaughter

5.) Made for a particular purpose- Adhoc

6.)One who is employed to encourage criminals so that they can caught-Agent Provocateur

7.)A former student of school or college- Alumnus

8.)An animal living on both water and land- Amphibian

Kinds of Governments
9.)Democracy: Govt by peoples

10.)Autocracy: Govt by one

11.)Plutocracy: Govt by rich peoples

12.)Oligarchy: Govt by Few

13.)Bureaucracy: Govt by officials

14.)Monarchy: Govt by King or Queen

15.)Anarchy: Absence of govt

16.)Aristocracy: Govt by Nobel's

17.)Mobocracy: Govt by Mobs.


18.)Murder of mother - Matricide

19.)Murder of Parents- Parricide

20.)Murder of Infants - Infanticide

21.)Murder of Brother - Fratricide

22.)Murder of Sister - Sororicide

23.)Murder of King/Queen- Regicide

24.)Murder of Large no. of peoples- Genocide

25.)Murder of Human being- Homicide                     

26.)A place where bees are Kept- Apiary

27.)A place where birds are Kept- Aviary

28.)A small country that is industrially underdeveloped with week govt- Banana Republic

29.)An animal which carries things- Beast of Burden

30.)The Art of understanding,the influence of heavy bodies- Astrology

31.)The Scientific study of living bodies- Astronomy

32.)A Short and amusing story- Anicdote

33.) Those who lives on trees- Arboreal

34.) Collection of Poems- Anthology

35.) A book that sells in large numbers- Best seller

36.) A liquid for drinking- Beverage

37.) A short written account of one's education & passed employment- Bio-data, Resume, CV

38.) A quality of being a novel person by birth- Blue blood

39.) Labour class in America- Blue collar

40.) Working class in America- White collar

41.)The Art of beautiful handwriting- Calligraphy

42.)Connected with the heart- Cardiac

43.) Of the sky or heaven- Celestial

44.)Connected with the Brain- Clibral

45.)One who deceives other by falsely claiming to have skills- Charlatan

46.) The Art of telling one's character by examining heads - Palmistry/Chiromancy

47.)One who receives little respect or attention - Cinderella

48.) A very serious decease of liver- Cirrhosis

49.)War between opposite groups of the same country- Civil War

50.) Serious Political struggle among countries without actually fighting- Cold War

51.)A Complete Victory- Clean sweep

52.) A badly shaped foot twisted by birth- club foot

53.)A part of plain where Pilot sits- Cockpit

54.)Existing from one's birth- Congnenital

55.)The feeling or idea suggested by words- connotation

56.) A person leaving at the same time as another- Contemporary

57.)Lacking professional skills and expertise- Amateur

58.)Equally skillful with both hands- Ambidextrous

59.)Having more than one possible meaning- Ambiguous

60.)Partial or total loss of memory- Amnesia

61.) The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious-  Analgesia

62.) Deviation or Departure from common rule to standard- Anomaly

63.)One who opposes others- Antagonist

64.) Medicine to remove the effect of poison- Antidote

65.)One who speaks one language- Monolingual

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