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Important Notes For Preamble and sources of indian constitution


➯It was introduced by jawahar lal nehru.
➯Three words-Secular,Socialist,Integrity were added by 42nd Amendment.
➯Preamble is also called "Key of constitution".
➯The center point of all the powers under the Constitution are "People of India".
➯It can't be changed by the court or any higher authority. 

Note:- Preamble can not be amended or changed by anyone but it can be changed in a manner to improve it's language understanding means there are some words used in preamble which can create problem for the understanding .So parliament has the right to improve it's language so the word can b clarified in a simple manner and everyone can interpret its meaning in the same way.

Sources of Indian Constitution 

As we know it took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to form our constitution.to make it perfect drafting committee checked constitution's of other countries and they took all good things from different-different countries.So there is the list given below which explains which part of our constitution is taken from which country:
United State of America(USA):- Fundamental Rights,Preamble,Judicial Review,Independent Judiciary, Functions of Vice-president,Impeachment of President, Removel of Judges of Supreme Court and High court.

Germany:- In case of emergency all the fundamental rights are transferred to the president.

Russia:- Fundamental Duties.

South Africa:- Process of Amendment in our constitution.

Britain:- Law making Process,Single Citizenship,Parliamentary system of governance.

Canada:-Division of powers between Union and states, Federal System, Residuary powers in the center, Appointment process of Governor.

Japan:-Procedure established by law.

Ireland:-Presidential elections,Directive Principals of state policy,President has the power to point peoples in Rajya Sabha on the basis of Art,Science,literature and social service etc.

Australia:-Language of Preamble,Relationship and Powers Division between Center and State,Concurrent list, Trade and commerce,Two house of parliament can be called for joint sitting.

Note:- As i already told you that most of the part of our constitution is taken from the Government of India act,1935. Approx 64 percent means 250 Articles of our constitution is made from this Act. They were used as it is or few were with little changes.

For any Doubt or suggestion feel free to comment below. Thank you😉

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