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One Word Substitution part-2

 Friends this is the Second page of One word substitution After reading this don't forget to check another page. Link for another page is given at the end of this page.
1. Someone chosen to judge and decide a dispute issue :- Arbitrator 
2. Loss of ability to understand speech:- Aphasia 
3. The custom of having two wife or husband- Bigamy
4. One who can speak two language:- Bilingual
5. Animal with two feet:- Biped 

6. One who loves and collects books:- Bibliophile
7. One who doesn't follow the usual norms of life:- Bohemian 
8. Person who  rough and in mannered:- Boorish
9. A thing which can be easily broken:- Franchise/Brital 
10.A thing which can be easily drawn in wire:-Ductile

11. Harsh Sound:- Cacophony
12.Driver:- Chauffeur
13.Cab Driver:- 
14.One who is well versed in any subject or art:- Connoisseur
15.A person who can eat human flash:- Cannibal

16.Overturn in Water:- Capsize
17.Person who draws maps and charts:- Cartographer
18.One who compels Dictionary:- Lexicographer
19.The place for corpus to be buried:- Cemetery
20.Happening once every year:- Centenarian

21.Having the same source of origin:- Cognate
22.Which spreads by physical touch or contact:- Contagious
23.Ceremony of crowning the king:- Coronation
24.The person who regards the whole world as his country:- Cosmopolitan
25.One who is simple and easily believes whatever is told:- Credulous

26.Someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back:-
27.Center of attraction:- Cynosure  
28.Difference between two things that should be same:- Discrepancy
29.A long pole on which flag is flown:- Flagstaff
30.Things which contains elements of same nature:- Homogeneous

31.Things which contains elements of different nature:- Heterogeneous
32.Freedom from punishment:- Impurity
33.Cultivation of growing vegetable or fruits:- Horticulture
34.Which can not be read:- Illegible
35.Incapable to being collected:- Incorrigible

36.Matter written by hand:- Manuscript
37.Killing of large number of people:- Massacre
38.Very particular about small details:- Matriculates
39.A hater of human being:- Misanthropist
40.Hater of marriage:- Misogamist

41.Hater of learning :- Misologist
42. Place where mom's live:- Monestry
43.One who have all the powers:- Omnipotent
44.One who is present everywhere :- Omnipresent
45.One who knows everything :- Omniscient

46.A medicine that induces sleep :- Narcotics
47.Undue fevers to the relatives:- Nepotism
48.One who makes official examination of accounts:- Auditor
49.One who leads an austere life:- Ascetic
50.A girl or woman who flirts with mans:- Coquette

Friends if you need notes for any particular topic you can tell me through your comments and i will try to post it as soon as possible.

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