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Important Equipments And Their Inventor

➡ Important equipment and their inventor ⬅

»» Television was invented by Jay L. Baird

»» Barometer was invented by Torricelli

»» Airplane was invented by Wright Brothers

»» Telephone was invented by Graham Bell

»» Motor car was invented by Austin

»» Gramophone was invented by Edison

»» Thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit

»» Fountain Pen was invented by Waterman

»Transformer was invented by Faraday

»» Tape recorders was invented by Paulson

»» Crescograph was invented by J. C. Bose

»» Steam Engine was invented by James Watt

»» Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday

»» Gas Engine was invented by Daimler

»»Radio was invented by Marconi

»» Diesel Engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel

»» Jet Engine was invented by Frank Wheel

»» Refrigerators was invented by Harrison and Catlin

»» Rail Engine was invented by George Stephenson

»» Tyres was invented by Dunlop

»»Telescope was invented by Galileo

»» Revolver was invented by Colt

»Calculator was invented by Pascal

»Electrical Bulb was invented by Edison

»» Submarine was invented by Wushwell

»» Cycle was invented by Macmillan

»» Safety Razor was invented by Gillette

»» Air conditioner was invented by Beels

Components and their uses

1) Ultimeter is an Scientific instrument for indicating height

2) Ammeter is used for Electric current measurement

3) Anemometer is used for Measuring airgrain

4) Audiophon is used for Improve hearing capacity

5) Binacular is used for Viewing Remote Items

6) Barograph is used for Measuring atmospheric pressure

7) Crescograph is used for recording of the growth of plants

8) Chronometer is used for To know the exact timing of the vessel to be put in the ship

9) Cardiograph is used for Measurement of heart rate

10) Cardiogram is used for Associate in the work of cardiograph

11) Capillers is used for Compass

12) DipCircle is used for Measurement of nicknames

13) Dynamo is used for Turning Mechanical Power into Electric Energy

14) Epidiascope is used for launches on screen curtains

15) Fadometer is used for Measuring the Depth of the Sea

16) Galvanometer is used for Measuring ultra electric current

17)GadgerMuller is used for For the presence and presence of nuclear particles

18) Manometer is used for Measuring the density of the gas

19) Microtomes is used for divides the body into small parts for an audible test.

20) Odometer is used for tells the distance covered by the car.

21) Periscope is used for External objects are seen from within the water.

22) Photometer is used for Measurement of light brilliance

23) Pyrometer is used for Measurement of extremely high heat

24) Radiometer is used for Measuring Distributed Energy by Radiation

25) Seismometer is used for Measuring earthquake intensity

26) Sextant is used To know the height of the planets

27) Transformer is used To change the voltage of the rectangular current

28) Teleprinter is used for Automatically printed information sent by Telegraph

29) Taximeter is used for Rental instrument in taxis

30) Tachometer is used for Speedometer of motorboat and aircraft

31) Telescope is used for Accessories for viewing remote objects

32) Gyroscope is used for Studies of dynamics of revolving objects

33) Gravimeter is used for Detected oil fields in water

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