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Atmosphere structure Part-1 (Important Question's)

Atmosphere structure

This topic is very important so to cover all questions i have divided this topic in two parts.This is the first part and for "Part-2" a link is given at the end of this page. 

● Which gas in the atmosphere is the most
Is found - nitrogen
● What is the permanent element of the atmosphere - water vapor
● The atmosphere of the Earth is warm by whom-
By radiation
● Which inorganic gas is the most in the air-
● Which gas for greenhouse effect
Responsible - Carbon dioxide (CO2)
● Burning with the sun's strong rays
Which gas protects us?
● By the absorption of infrared radiation reflected from the Earth's surface-
What is the action of temperature rise in the atmosphere
- Green House Effect
● What is the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere-
● Average elevation from the surface of the troposphere
How much is - 14 km
● Which division is also called convex
● Where is the highest density of Earth's atmosphere
Occurs - in the troposphere
● Daily weather changes in the atmosphere are caused by-
Reasons for the troposphere
● Where the ozone layer is located - stratosphere
● What is the function of the ozone layer in the stratosphere - on the ground floor
Prevent Ultrasonic Irradiation
● The length of the radio wave from which part of the earth
Reflects - from ion board
● What is the reason for depletion of ozone level in the atmosphere
● In which part of the atmosphere is the total amount of water vapor
90% of the part exists - in the troposphere
● Which part of the atmosphere is a part of the chemistry division - ozone
● Which board is suitable for flying airplane-
● What is the lower layer of the atmosphere
It is called - the troposphere
Atmospheric Layer 'Seasonal Variation
The roof is called 'the troposphere'
● Farthest from the surface of the Earth
What is the atmospheric layer called - exterior
● What is the average barrage on the ocean - 1013.25
● A sudden reduction in air pressure is indicative of what -
Stormy Weather
● The number of press trunk lines on the globe
Is 7
● The trunk box looks on both sides of the line
Goes to equator
● Which box of all the hot desert in the world
Located in the sub-tropical high pressure
The box
● How much is the extension of the Doldrum box - 5 °
North -5 ° south
● Where normal air pressure is found - at sea level
● What percentage of Earth's atmosphere is part 29
Km Is found to be elevated - 97%

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