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Hello Friends Today i am sharing 100 most important vocabulary for SSC and Bank exams these vocabs are most important because these are repeatedly asked  by the examiner. And these vocabs are based on previous year exams.

1.)Lucidity- Clarity
 2.)Indict- Charge
 3.)Appraise- Judge
 4.)Deluge- Flood
 5.)Preponderance- Predominance

 6.)Inoffensive- Hurting without knowingly
 7.)Divulge- Disclosing a secret
 8.)Discord- Disagreement between two things
 9.)Harmony- Agreement between two things
10.)Mammoth- Extremely Large

11.)Barren- Unproductive in nature{In Plants}
12.)Infamy- The state of being well known for something bad or evil, An evil act, Notoriety
13.)Intrepid- Very Brave, Fearless
14.)Prodigal- To willing to spend money or waste time ,Extravagant,Lavish
15.)Perspicuous- Precise,Clear and acute

16.)Disorderly- Showing lack of control, Untidy,Deranged
17.)Elevation- Height of a place, Somebody getting a higher or more important rank
18.)Glossy- Shining,smooth
19.)Compassionate- Feeling or showing sympathy for peoples who are suffering,Sympathetic
20.)Solitary- Lonely, Alone, Sole

21.)Decay- Rot,To be destroyed by natural process, Decompose
22.)Flippant- Not Serious, चंचल ,छिछोरा
23.)Insipid-  Flavorless, Dull, Not interesting
24.)Harsh- Cruel, Severe and Unkind, Strict
25.)Sanction- Permission, Penalty

26.)Persistent- Unrelenting, determined, Permanent
27.)Despot- तानाशाही , A ruler with great power who use it in a cruel way, Tyrant
28.)Imitation- A copy of something, Impression, Impersonation
29.)Abrupt- Sudden, Unexpected
30.)Gradual- Not Sudden, Happening slowly

31.)Apprise- To inform
32.)Gruesome- Hideous, Very Unpleasant and filling you with horror, घिनोना
33.)Knack - A special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn, Dexterity
34.)Pernicious- हानिकारक , Harmful
35.)Opulence- Richness, Wealthiness

36.)Onus- Responsibility
37.)Essential- Important, Requisite, Vital
38.)Wither- मुरझाना
39.)Bloom- फूलना , खिलना
40.)Diligent- Assiduous, Hardworking

41.)Blunder- Mistake
42.)Coarse- Rough
43.)Trump-  Victory
44.)Rancid- बासी
45.)Reveal- to find

46.)Conceal- To hide something
47.)Wholesome- Good for health, Morally good
48.)Infirm- Ill, Sick, Weak
49.)Cordial- Pleasant and friendly
50.) Impetuous- Acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results, Rash, Impulsive

51.)Approach- समीप जाना
52.) Culmination- The highest point or end of something climax
53.)Reliable- Predictable
54.)Brisk- Quick
55.)Pail- Bucket,बाल्टी

56.)Condone- To forgive
57.) Inquisitive- Asking to many questions and trying to find out about what other people are doing, Curious, Interested in learning
58.)Indifferent- Not interested in anything
59.)Dilate- Expand
60.)Contract- To become less or smaller

61.)Ingenious- Best, उपयुक्त
62.)Plagiarist- One who copies another person's ideas,words or work and pretends that they are their own.
63.)Puritanical- Having very strict moral attitude, अतिनैतिक
64.)Defile- दूषित करना
65.)Sterile- Infertile, बाँझ , बंजर

66.)Desist- To stop doing something, discontinue
67.)Prudent- Sensible and Careful, बुद्धिमान
68.)Diligent- Industrious, परिश्रमी
69.)Desultory- Without a definite plan and without enthusiasm
70.)Envious- Jealous

71.)Quest- Search
72.)Feeble- Weak
73.)Pawn- Pledge, गिरवी रखना
74.)Chastise- Punish
75.)Maestro- A great performer especially a musician, Genius

76.)Equanimous- A calm state of mind
77.)Accusation- दोष लगाना
78.)Exculpation- दोष मुक्त करना
79.)Demise- The time when something ends
80.)Jettison- Throw and deep

81.)Ameliorate- Lighten, Mitigate
82.)Worsen- Aggravate, Damage, Decline, Depress
83.)Grotesque- Unnatural in shape, Distorted
84.)Devious- Misleading, Tricky, Fraudulent
85.)Evanescent- Brief, Temporary

86.)Debacle- A sudden and violent collapse, Downfall
87.)Ostracize- Banish, Expel from a community or group
88.)Prophylactic- Preventive, Capable of preventing conception or impregnation
89.)Coddle- Satisfy, Treat with excessive indulgence
90.)Flimsy- Weak

91.)Obnoxious- Disgusting
92.)Covenant- Contract
93.)Deference- Respect
94.)Aloof- Isolated, Alone
95.)Avert- बचाना या टालना

96.)Sumptuous- Splendid, उत्तम,  चमकीला
97.)Topiary- Cutting of tree for ornaments
98.)Fable- Stories
99.)Lampoon- A speech or text criticizing someone, निंदालेख लिखना
100.) Immaculate- बेदाग , Perfectly clean( especially for cloths)

  I hope it will help you....And if you need notes for any particular topic than please comment below in the comment box. I will provide you best notes for that topic.

Thank you❤

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