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Solution's of the Question's asked on 10/09/2018

These are the solution's of all those question's which are asked on 10/09/2018 .This solution is divided as Subject wise..So you can get all Tricks and Tips properly.


The above Question is related with "Simplification". And in that question, it was asked to simplify This equation-
3 - 3 * 0 + 3 / 3

Before starting it's solution Let me tell you about "BODMAS" rule.This rule is related with simplification and only for this chapter ,This rule is applied in all situation's. So must learn this thing cause if you won't understand it now it will create Problem for you in the other chapters.

According to BODMAS rule First of all we should solve BRACKETS than OF than DIVIDE than MULTIPLY than ADD and in the last SUBTRACT.

B = Brackets
O= OF(Roots and Power)
D= Divide
M= Multiply
A= Add
S= Subtract 

If you don't follow this rule your answer will be considered as wrong. 

3 * 5 - (8+2) / 2 of 2 
So as per the above rule first of all solve brackets
3 * 5 - 10 / 2 of 2 
than " OF"
3 * 5 - 20 / 2
than Divide
3 * 5 - 10
than mutiply
than subtract
 Now 5 is your answer.

Now let's take Question asked on 10/09/2018

3 - 3 * 0 + 3 / 3
In the above question there is no "brackets" and "of" so we will start with Divide

3 - 3 * 0 + 1
than Multiply
3 - 0+ 1
you can add and subtract as per your choice it will not affect your answer.
So finally after solving this you will get "4" as your answer.

Answer:- (C) 


Friends this above Question is related with ERROR DETECTION Topic . This is the Most Important topic cause Most of the times 3-5 Question's are asked from this topic. But to solve these problems you must have good knowledge of basic English grammar. And if you are weak with English than it will be tough for you to learn all those basic rules. But through this kind of Question's i will tell you only single rule per day so you can easily learn it.

Ok let's see whats wrong in the above question.

Whenever any adjective like senior,junior,inferior,superior etc. are used it is always followed by "to" not than.

So if we see in the above Question Senior word is used as adjective and it is followed by to ...So there is no need of any correction in the above Question. 

Answer:- (D)


This question is related with missing numbers topic.And again it's very important part of the reasoning.
In these kind of question you have to find the missing number with the help of the pattern provided by the question. To know pattern you have to check the other data provided in the question.

In the above Question
(8-4) *(3 +2) = 20
(10-7)* (3+1)= 12
(9-3) * (1 +3)= 18 

To solve these kind of question's there is no trick you just have to find the pattern in the questions and than apply on the part of missing number.  But solve it fast if you do practice these kind of question.Because most of the times questions are asked with the repeated pattern and once your mind catch it , It can find it very easily.

Friends i hope it helped you and if you like this idea of providing answers with explanation please let me know by comment.

Thank you☻  

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