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Profit And Loss

                 Hello Friends, Today i am posting Short Notes for "Profit And Loss" .This is the one of the most important topic of Quantitative aptitude section. All the times we can find Atleast 2 to 3 questions from this topic. And these kind of questions are little lengthy which means they will take more time to solve and for competative exams time is most important tool to clear your exam with good marks.So today i will tell you few short tricks by which you can save your time and can solve these problems within a few seconds.

                  First of all i would like to tell you that i am not telling the basic cause its very difficult to explain every single thing. So i will tell you the type of question and then tell you the direct formula to solve those problems.

*If the cost price of x articles equals the selling price of w articles, find percent profit/loss?
*If a Person gains x% when he sells an article for Rs. z . What would be the profit or loss per cent if he sold it for Rs. w ?
*A man buys certain quantity of an article for Rs. z. He sells Mth part  of the stock at a loss of x%. At what per cent gain should he sell the remaining stock so as to make an overall profit of y% on the transaction.?
And If we have to find the Overall

* A man invests Rs. z in shares. He sells Mth part at a profit of x% and the remaining part at a loss of y% .Find the overall percent profit or loss.

Profit % = [ mx - (1 - m)y ]% 

*A reduction of x% in the price of an article enables a person to buy y Kg. more for Rs. z . Find the reduced and the original price per Kg. of the article.

*A man purchased m oranges at x a rupees and n oranges at a y rupees. He mixed them together and sold them at z a rupees .what is his percent loss or gain ?What happens when m=n?
When m = n

*A man sells two articles at the same price Rs. P and makes a profit of x% on the first while a loss of y% on the second. Find the overall percent gain or loss? What happens when x equals y?
when x = y

Friends i tried to cover all type of questions form this topic which are again and again asked by the examiner.If you found any difficulty or have any doubt feel free to ask me by the comment box.
And also give your suggestions and topics for the next topic. So i can help you in a right way.

Thank You ☺

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