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Biology class notes- Exam relevent points only

 Hello Friends today i am uploading BIOLOGY Notes which covers all relevant points that are asked in the exams.

Cell ➤ The littlest unit of life that is fit for free presence.

❤ Apart from the Nucleus, an average cell contains other vital cell structure (or) Cell Organeles like the Mitochondria, Lysosome, Golgi Complex, Ribosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum and so on.

❤ Mitochondria ➤ Powerhouse of cell ,'Mitochondria' is known as the Power place of the cell.
Vitality is Stored in the Mitochondria as ATP atoms.
Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP) gives vitality to a wide range of exercises of a cell.

ATP combination happens in Mitochondrion.

❤ The Ribosomes are mainly worried about the amalgamation of protein.

❤ Lysosomes go about as self-destructive sacks.

❤ The physical premise of life is 'Cellular material'.

❤ The biggest cell is the egg of an Ostrich.

❤ The biggest Human cell is the Ovum.

❤ Nerve cell (Neurons) is the Longest cell.

❤ Most rich component (By Weight) found in creature cell is Oxygen.

❤ Cells in the body that overwhelm outside particles like microscopic organisms are known as Phagocytes.

❤ Bone cells have the slightest Re-age Power.

➼ No. of Bones In Human is 206.

➼ No. of Muscles in Human is 639.

➼ No. of Ribs in Human is 24.

➼ No. of Bones in Human's Skull is 22.

➼ No. of Bones in Neck of Human is 7.

➼ No. of Bones in Human's Face is 14.

➼ No. of Cranial Nerves in Human is 12 Pairs.

➼ No. of Spinal Nerves in Human is 31 Pairs.

➼ Normal Heart Beat rate of Human heart is 70-72 times/minute.

➼ Human's normal respiratory rate is 16-20 times/minute.

➼ Average rate of Blood Pressure in Human is 120/80 mm.Hg.

❤ The creature with the longest life expectancy on the land is Elephant, while the creature having the longest life expectancy is Tortoise.

❤ Blue Whale is the Biggest and Heaviest well evolved creature.

❤ The littlest Ape is Gibbon.

❤ Chimpanzee is the most Intelligent Ape.

❤ Elephant Tusks are augmented incisors.

❤ Fishes breathe through Gills.

❤ The vertebral which has two chambered hearts is the fish.

❤ The creature which has the greatest no. of ribs is the Snake.

❤ The biggest snake is the Anaconda found in the Amazon locale in South America.

❤ Hibernation is the time of long rest for creatures in cool climate when there is no sustenance accessible.

❤ The Kangaroo Rat never savors water as long as its can remember.

❤ Ostrich, Rhea, Kiwi, and Penguin all are Flightless Birds.

❤ Dodo ( a flightless fledgling) which showed up in Mauritius is presently Extinct.

❤ The littlest Flightless winged animal is Kiwi, while the littlest flying creature is the Bee Humming Bird of Cuba.

❤ The growth of tadpoles in a frog is called metamorphoses.

❤ Cobra Venom influences the Nervous framework while Viper Venom influences the Blood Circulatory System.

❤ A child Cockroach is called Nymph.

❤ The number of inhabitants in Reptiles is most extreme on Earth.

❤ Saurology ➤ Study of Lizards.

❤ Ants go in a line by the discharge of Trial-Pheromone.

❤ Silver fish is Wingless Insect.

❤ Hormones are biochemical substances created by ductless (or) Endocrine organs.

❤ Pituitary organs is an endocrine organ connected to the base of the Brain.

❤ The Pituitary organ is known as the 'Ace Gland' in the body since it controls all the endocrine organs present in the Human Body.

❤ Water adjust in the body is for the most part controlled by the discharge of ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone ) by Hypothalamus.

❤ Pineal Gland is generally known as 'Organic Clock'.

❤ Pineal Gland secretes Melatonin and Serotonin.

❤ Thyroid Gland is famously known as "Throat cartilage".

❤ Thyroid Gland controls development and transformation.

❤ Thyroid Gland is a bi-lobed organ in the Neck, just underneath the 'Larynx'.

❤ Insufficient Iodine in the eating routine bringing about Thyroxin lack malady called Simple Goiter.

❤ Overproduction of Thyroxin causes Exophathalmic Goiter.

❤ Deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) emitted by Parathyroid Gland causes 'Tetany' in which calcium level in Blood diminishes known as 'Hypocalcemia'.

❤ Adrenal Glands are arranged over the kidneys.

❤ Adrenal organ has two sections (an) Adrenal Cortex (b) Adrenal Medulla.

❤ Blood Pressure controlled by Adrenal Gland.

❤ Adrenal cortex produces Cortico Steroids.

❤ Two hormones (1) adrenaline (2) non-adrenaline.produces by Adrenal medulla

❤ Adrenal Gland readies the creature to Fight (or) Flight.

❤ Adrenalin is known as 'Crisis Hormone'.

❤ Adrenalin Hormone raises the rate of heart and pulse.

❤ The organ that insider facts both an Enzyme and a Hormone is Pancreas.

❤ If Pancreas quits working in the body then the level of Insulin and Glucagon will diminishes.

❤ The Beta cells secretes 'Insulin' and Alpha cell insider facts 'Glucagon'.

❤ Deficiency of Insulin prompts abundance sugar in the blood and this sugar is discharged in the pee. This sicknesses is known as Diabetes Mellitus (Hyper Glycaemia).

❤ The principle capacity of insulin is to control the level of sugar in the body.

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